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What we do


This session implies a full body analysis where we would help you define and enhance your body shape and a Style personality test. We will help you find, define and refine your own personal style using all aspects of your personality and values so that the image you project is an extension of who you are. We will identify what brands are best suited for your body shape so you know where to shop.

Your professional personal brand acts as a filter that helps you make decisions that are congruent with who you are and what you stand for. It identifies what makes you unique and clearly communicates your individuality to the people who need to know about you.
It is your reputation, which is defined by your character. It is also your legacy; it’s the way others remember you. We will help you create alignment between your brand, your product and your personal image to create a powerful Visual Impact!


Unique Image London will help you analyse and revamp your wardrobe. We believe that style is the expression of who the person is so we strive to ensure that your wardrobe carries only the clothes that will help you make the right statement about you, and that you’re always looking your best. Our 80/20 wardrobe program will to bring you clarity, organisation and style from the inside of your wardrobe to your outer world.


Unique Image London will help you identify your seasonal colour scheme best suited to your skin complexion, eye colour and individual style. You will know your "wow" colours: which colours will help you let your light shine!



For two hours, you will experience Style Coaching, we will take you through our Styling from the Inside Out process. We will work with you and get clear on your unique style profile and the image you want to portray.


Unique Image London offers you a shopping experience of a life time. Our honest and open approach to shopping will make you feel comfortable and at ease. Our expertise and knowledge will help you select the right outfits and encourage you to shop out of your comfort zone. Our aim is to teach our clients so they become fully independent and confident in their shopping habits.

Our extensive sales contracts with various department stores, designers and boutiques grant you special rates and unlimited selection. 

We run motivational workshops for groups and individuals on first impressions and looking the part. How to dress to impress, confidence building, uncovering your true values and so much more.

We help our clients set up S.M.A.R.T goals and show them how to implement them. Because of our unique and holistic approach to image consultancy, we will look at all the areas of your life that influence your image and help you create a congruent personality. We will use NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) to help you destroy the roadblocks to your personal success and break free from any rut you might find yourself in.

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